(2017-03-12) Falkovich How To Choose A Goddessusing A Spreadsheet

Jacob Falkovich: How to Choose a Goddess (Using a Spreadsheet). (Dating market). The Why and How of Matrixcraft

An evaluation matrix, also called “decision matrix” when used for boring decisions like buying a car, allows you to compare multiple alternatives on multiple attributes at once. (Decision Rationalizing)

Decide ahead of time what you will use the matrix for. Do you commit to picking the option that will score the highest? Will you choose it only if the gap is large enough? Is your purpose to discard all the low scoring options to narrow down the list of choices to two or three? The spreadsheet won’t hold a gun to your head, but precommitment will keep you honest.

Step 1 – Generate a list of attributes

The advanced skill that can be employed for feature listing is goal factoring... If I had all this, would I be content?

Step 2 – Determine the range and scale of each attribute

Step 3 – Assign weights to a unit difference in each attribute

Step 4 – Score all on the options on one attribute at a time

Step 5 – Multiply each score by the attribute weights, and sum up the scores for each option

Step 6 – Stare at the bottom row. What do you feel?

The Life Partner Matrix

I expected a close race with a slight edge for Sarah, but when I looked at the totals Terese came out way on top. I was quote surprised, and dug into the numbers... By 2016, we had moved in together and bought a hedgehog. Last month I proposed. She said “yes”.

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